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I Love a Parade
Art of the Story Festival, October 29-31

October 13, 2024

by Tina Bueche

One of my favorite things about San Miguel are the parades. Every one of them is a special occasion with texture, sense of history and story, community and pride.

It was good to see so many young people participating last Sunday in the parade that closed the Feast of San Miguel festival. As one of my Mexican friends observed, there were more youngsters than has recently been the case. He recalled the sense of honor and belonging he experienced as a child through participating in these events.

Parades continue tradition, giving platform to many different ways of story-telling: music, dance, ritual, clothing, color, theater... The sword fights were nothing short of spectacular, displaying sport, community, imagery...

And the faces.. each one speaks to you, telling us something.

In today's world so many are struggling to survive and to find their voice, to imagine and build their future, anything, big or little, that we can do to make it easier for someone in that regard is terribly important.

Towards that end we started Vivos y Muertos, an independent kid's festival which will celebrate nine years this month. And just this summer we started a summer camp called Spark. Spark offers over 20 different activities and workshops for children. The emphasis is on trying new things, exploring new ways of being who you are.

The kids made a movie, wrote and recorded a short audiobook, made puppets expressing themselves, created and told stories with movement, and so much more.

Spark is an annual event, in Spanish, completely without cost to the participants, driven by our very generous and talented volunteers. The message is that everyone has value and we all have our own voices.

Adults should be so lucky. And now we are.

We sometimes lose track of our value, voice and potential in our lives no matter our age. So on October 29-31 we launch a new, three-day festival here in San Miguel, Art of the Story.

In some ways Art of the Story replicates the summer camp experience with nuance for grownups. There will be podcasting, color theory, movement, mythology, audio drama, acting, and so much. Plus, the stunning sharing from our main stage speakers will make this a unique and exceptional happening.

For tickets, schedule and so much more information please visit:

Just click on the banner below.


(Art of the Story is a registered 501(c)(3) in the USA and has applied for AC status in Mexico.)


Tina Bueche is known for her contributions in leadership, advocacy, volunteerism and community development. With a background in psychology and philosophy and probably more curiosity than is healthy, she has served in a variety of corporate and venture startup functions, with an emphasis on organizational development and Human Resources.

Since arriving in San Miguel in 2010 she has been involved in various organizations. She serves on the board of Libros Para Todos and the executive committee of I3. She is co-founder of Vivos y Muertos and is a member of the founding team of Art of the Story.


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