September 8, 2024
by Andrew Klein
I always had a few plants and flowers in my Boston loft – orchids from Whole Foods, and a night-blooming cereus that grew to monstrous proportions. But I never had my own garden to cultivate …. until I moved to San Miguel.
To be honest, I know nothing about plants, not their botanical names, nor their classifications or origins. That has little relevance for me. What most interests me about plants is their forms and colors. I draw them incessantly, as they actually appear. Then through a process of reduction, I reinvent them as minimalist 'sculpture.' The final image is no longer recognizable as a plant.
My motivation is to create new forms, inspired by the bounty of Nature's inventiveness. I aim to surprise myself, and to delight the viewer. Sometimes my paintings seem to project melancholy or brooding, and sometimes a comical, silly feeling.
Like human beings, living plants, experience the full range of moods and emotions. Of this I am convinced.
Mysterious Morphology
opening-Andrew Klein
Fri, Sept. 13, 5-8pm
Galería Blue Moon
Andrew Klein was born in Debrecen, Hungary in 1940, immigrated to Chicago 1949, got a BA Northwestern University, a BFA School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and an MA Indiana State U. He taught drawing and painting and exhibited in St. Louis, Tel Aviv, Beersheva, Israel and Boston, MA. He moved to San Miguel in 2018 where he founded Galería Blue Moon Cooperativa with Ray Leguizamo and Elvia Sanamiego.
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