Cine Bacco inside Ristorante Bacco/Hotel Sautto, Hernandez Macias 59
Teatro Santa Ana inside of the Biblioteca, Relox 50a
Santo Cinema Mercado Sano, Ancha S. Antonio 123, second floor
JC3 - Tuesday Film and Discussion
Tuesdays 2-4:45pm
Nine Lives
March 25
Double Feature: Harold Lloyd’s Safety Last and Charlie Chaplin’s The Circus
April 1
La Cocina
April 8
Teatro Santa Ana
Cine Club en Cartelera: La Parka | Mito Blanco
25/03/2025 17:20
Cine Club en Cartelera: Cortometrajes Ganadores del 22° Festival Internacional de Cine de Morelia
01/04/2025 17:20
Series World Cinema: Germany, UK, France, Italy | The Lives of Others
02/04/2025 13:00
Cine Club en Cartelera: Creatura
08/04/2025 17:20
Series World Cinema: Germany, UK, France, Italy | The Shining
09/04/2025 13:00
Series World Cinema: Germany, UK, France, Italy | Code Unknown
16/04/2025 13:00
Cine para Todxs: El Jockey
22/04/2025 17:20
Series World Cinema: Germany, UK, France, Italy | Fellini’s The Clowns
23/04/2025 13:00
Cine para Todxs: Los Lobos
29/04/2025 17:20
Series World Cinema: Germany, UK, France, Italy | Everybody’s Fine
30/04/2025 13:00
More below when available, including next Cine Bacco schedule.
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Wednesday, November 20
see below
Univerciudad UG Casa El Nigromante
Umarán No. 38, Centro
Friday, November 22
see below
Univerciudad UG Casa El Nigromante
Umarán No. 38, Centro