Lokkal- todo SMA
EEESMA School for the Deaf - open house
Friday, March 21, 9:30 and 11am
Equinox Fair, Feria Equinoccio
Friday, March 21 10am-8pm
Bruce Stuart - opening
Friday, March 21, 5-8pm
Dogs Without Borders - benefit
Friday, March 21, 6pm
Help Save Native Trees, Audubon
Saturday, March 22, 8:30-11:30pm
Tablao Flamenco, PINA arte+espacio
Saturday, March 22, 6pm
El Triunfo - teatro
Jueves-Sábado, 20-22 de marzo 7:30pm
y Religion is Kindness, UU - spirit
Sunday, March 23, 10:30am
Hannah White, violin, Promusica - concert
Friday, Sunday, March 21, 23, 5pm
Retirees Find Purpose and Fulfillment - workshop
starting Monday, March 24, 4 week workshop
7 Wonders of the Ancient World: Power, Politics, Pride
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, March 24, 26, 28, 1-3pm
Tributo a la Música de Santana
Thursday, March 25, 7-9pm
Meet the Artist, Tomlinson Gallery
Contemporary Handmade Paper Art
Wednesdays, 11am-3pm
Pianissimo San Miguel - concerts
Thursdays, March 20, 27, 6pm
La Cueva de Salamanca - teatro
Jueves 27 de marzo 7pm
Papá Se Fue a la Guerra - teatro
Viernes 28 de marzo 5-6:30pm
La Camerata Allende Ensemble
Friday, March 28, 6pm
Woodstock ’69 - concert
Friday, March 28, 6pm
ALMA Sale, vintage, second-hand - benefit
Saturday, March 29, 10am-1pm
Bugambilla Fashion Show
Saturday, March 29, 12-3pm
Lyric Voices, Callas Forever - concerts
Thursday, Saturday, March 27, 29, 6pm
Luciérnaga, events / eventos
7, 15, 21, 30 de marzo
Faust, Operisima Mexico
Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun, March 26-30, 6:30pm
Antisistema - teatro
Sábado, Domingo, 29, 30 de marzo, 7pm
Freddie Mercury Extravaganza
Monday, March 31, 6pm
Enrique Allende - concert/concierto
Tuesday, April 1, 5pm & 7pm
A Delicate Balance - opening
Una balanza delicada - apertura

Sharon Whitham, Tupinamba
Wednesday, April 2, 5-8pm
Using AI in Journalism
Thursday, April 3, 4pm
Rising Moon Concert - benefit Audubon
Friday, April 4, 5:30-8pm
Self Portraits - theater
March 27, 28, 29, April 3, 4, 7pm
Wine Festival de Vino Natural Organico
Saturday, April 5, 12-8pm
Artificios Geométricos, Maru Vázquez - opening/apertura
Fábrica Art Walk
Saturday, April 5, 5-7pm
Events at the JC3
many events
New articles weekly
Preview of Sunday's Articles
· Escape to Mexico
Chapter One - excerpt(s)

by Cyn Posner
Ditch the baggage, cross the border. It's never too late to start over.
Vista previa de los artículos del domingo
· Escape to Mexico
Capítulo Uno - extracto(s)

por Cyn Posner
Deshazte del equipaje, cruza la frontera. Nunca es tarde para empezar de nuevo.
Last Sunday's Articles
· Synagogue of Satan
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
My attention to detail drives some people crazy; most of all me.
· Olga and José
        by Alberto Lenz
Octavio Paz arrived with his second wife, the poet's muse, assistant, and close companion.
· San Miguel Goes to the Oscars
Neithan Herbert
Hidden Gems

        by Brenda Sexton
Her striking, Bardot-inspired red gown was a showstopper.
· Leaving, but Staying
The Resilient Sound of Rossana Conte
Concert - Tues, March 18, 6pm

...a personal soundtrack and a universal story for anyone who has ever dared to dream.
· A champion of art and culture
Women of SMA

        by Natalie Taylor
Carmen Masip left a rich and enduring legacy in SMA.
· Gene Hackman
The Computer Corner

        by Charles Miller
Conspiracy theorists will tell you that your smart phones and tablets are always listening to everything that is said.
· Lokkal's Crossword Puzzle
This and That

        by Sheridan Sansegundo
Artículos del domingo pasado
· Sinagoga de Satán
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Mi atención al detalle, que a algunos les vuelve locos, sobre todo a mí
· Olga and José
        por Alberto Lenz
Octavio Paz llegó con su segunda esposa, musa, ayudante, compañera cercana del poeta.
· San Miguel va a los Oscar
Neithan Herbert
Joyas escondidas

        por Brenda Sexton
Su llamativo vestido rojo inspirado en Bardot fue un éxito rotundo.
· Me voy... pero me quedo
El Sonido Resiliente de Rossana Conte
Concierto - Martes, 18 de marzo, 6pm

...una banda sonora personal y como historia universal para cualquiera que alguna vez se haya atrevido a soñar.
· Una defensora del arte y cultura
Mujeres de SMA

        por Natalie Taylor
No hay suficiente gente que sepa sobre ella y sobre sus muchas contribuciones.
· Gene Hackman
La esquina de la computadora

        por Charles Miller
Los teóricos de la conspiración te dirán que tus smartphones y tablets siempre escuchan todo lo que se dice
submit your events
events @ sanmiguelevents.com